This web page is dedicated to my favorite advice columnist,Dotti Primrose from the "Weekly World News". I'll post the letters she gets in bold,and her replies in italics. I'll also post her "confidential" section. Some of them are pretty funny!

Dear Dotti

The Confidential Letters

Dear Cheating in Chicago:
Go ahead. You'll probably get caught and lose your wife,kids,car,and home. Other than that,it sounds like fun.

Dear Angry in Buffalo:
I had to disinfect my hands after opening your letter. Don't EVER write me again!

Dear Stinky in Sabula:
If you're too fat to get in a tub,go to a car wash. Better yet,ask a friend to hose you down in the driveway!

Dear Confused in Clarksburg:
You have the I.Q. of a snail. Are you happy now,sluggo?

Dear Depressed in San Diego:
You ought to be depressed. In fact,you ought to be shot!

Dear Smartie in Big Bend:
Being called stupid by you is like being called fat by a hippo!

The Letters

Dear Dotti: Nobody believes a space alien made me pregnant even though I haven't had a period for 4 months,and am getting bigger by the day. And he's disappeared. What should I do?
--Frustrated in Kansas City

Dear Frustrated: Next time you see a flying saucer,pinhead,keep your stupid pants on!

Dear Dotti: A few weeks ago I was sitting in my yard watching the stars when this huge UFO landed about 75 yards from my house. I tried to run,but I couldn't move. Then, this space alien walks out of the UFO,and over to me. The next thing I knew,we were making love. He made all sorts of promises. He said he would take me back with him,and shower me with riches. Afterward,we fell asleep. When I woke up,I felt like I'd been hit over the head with a frying pan. Then,I realized that he'd robbed me blind while I was asleep! I can't report this to the cops,Dotti! What should I do?
--Peggy in China Grove

Dear Peggy: I hate to tell you this,stooge,but space aliens don't exist. And even if they did,they sure as heck wouldn't be landing UFOs in a Rubetown like China Grove looking for a fantasy crazed slut like you!

Dear Dotti: You're a jerk. People ask you for advice,and you don't give them any. You call them stupid. Why don't you give them straight answers instead of telling them they are stupid!
--Angry in Chicago

Dear Angry: I get alot of dumb letters,but yours is one of the dumbest. I tell people they're stupid when they ARE stupid. It's as simple as that.

Dear Dotti: I am a 13 year old girl and I think you are the most beautiful person in the world. I have 2 questions for you: 1. What can I do to grow up and get a job like yours?
--Teen Fan in Iowa City

Dear Teen: First you say you have 2 questions,and then you only ask one. If you don't have the time to proofread your own letter,why should I waste my time giving advice that you're obviously too lazy to use?